Here you are, my enemy, my friend, again here, as you never left the strange, familiar cliff-edge of…
Here you are, my enemy, my friend, again here, as you never left the strange, familiar cliff-edge of…
April 15th at 1pm – April 16 at 5 pm Inspiration, nonduality and healing with Bart ten Berge…
By Georgi Y. Johnson [This article was first posted on Beyond Meds] Dread is a fusion of anger…
“Fear is a natural effect of consciousness – the seeing itself that suggests the unseen.” Traditional psychology posits…
Now, histories disperse in memory’s hollow curse, in post gun-shot silence.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″] How would it be to taste infinite sweetness; to listen to endless, exquisitely tuned harmony; to…
Join Bart ten Berge & Georgi Y. Johnson through the internet (ZOOM meeting) for this live and online…
On the nondual highway of inner-growth there can come a stage where gross egotism replaces authentic unfolding. Called…
To suffer the horror of a psychopathic lie, or let doors slam, and in slamming be eternity crammed in…
WE WILL BE FREE Hey You, yes You. Behind the gift rap And the money trap, Lost on…