OUT OF AN ORANGE SUN Sweetheart so plagiarized, how I watch from here, as your light networks matrix…
OUT OF AN ORANGE SUN Sweetheart so plagiarized, how I watch from here, as your light networks matrix…
MAYA’S DANCE Rings on her fingers and on her toes studded with jewels from caves of holy…
GO SOFTLY Go softly that life will spare its force and if hard rain drops from loud, ancestral…
Walking this way, towards that point, ahead of us in time and space, wanting to be “there” –…
Once, it was a bad dream, a little girl at school, no shoes out of place, out of…
Dirty girl, she can be That, soiled with guilt and shame. It’s the name impressed on the…
Where will I find you, my friend? In an accusing forest of laws, tortured by stories repented yet…
Don’t miss me. Breathe. I am in the wind. Don’t long for me. Drink, for I am the…
We would have us believe this tree flowering and bearing sweetest fruit is the death knell of a…
Here she is. A flame in a night of stars, and air so fresh it’s as if you’re…