
Nondual Purity – 3 Day Online Intensive with Georgi and Bart

April 29th – May 1st 2022, 4:00 – 12:00am (IDT Israel time).

3-Day Online Intensive with Bart ten Berge & Georgi Y. Johnson, suited to the US time zone.


Form does not differ from purity. And purity does not differ from form. Form is purity and purity is form.

Nondual Therapy – The Psychology of awakening

“What is wrong with me?” Have you ever heard, in the backdrop of mind, that repeating question? – that gnawing question arising out of some inner discomfort, or a sense of being out of place and out of time?

Why are we not deeply happy? Why do we often feel uneasy? Why is it difficult for us to relax? Why does nothing seem to be simply OK, just as it is?

There is a purity that can never be lost or taken away; a purity that can never be injured or abused; a purity that reminds us of our wholeness, within, behind, before, and after each moment of experience. This purity is infinitely available, immeasurable, and unconditionally free. Wherever we are conscious, this purity is here, awakening each layer of experience into a return to wholeness and wellbeing.

The partner of shame is disgust. Purity has no opposite. In Purity, shame and disgust are one.

Nondual Therapy – the psychology of awakening

In this course, you will reclaim your sense of inner purity, freely resourcing it in processes of inner and outer purification, drawing on its resilience and opening its natural pathways of wellbeing.

You will learn about:

  • Purity: to connect with the felt sense of purity and to easily resource the quality.
  • Purification: understanding and mastering the unique pathways that purity takes through you, gently relieving any obstruction or toxin.
  • Shame: to work with dynamics of shame, through body, heart, and mind. Finding ease around shame, and liberating the emotion to naturalness. We will explore the role shame has in addiction and other patterns of suffering.
  • Disgust: working with the sense of disgust or repulsion, recognizing its naturalness as found in the sense of “wrongness” or dissonance. We will learn how disgust effects how we feel physically, how we nurture ourselves, and how we relate to the world around us.
  • Deep consciousness. To touch nirvanna – or the pure lands – where our perception purifies, allowing us to sense deeper into the wonder of our inner and outer lives.

Areas of suffering that can be eased through the quality include:

  • Sexual difficulties
  • Domestic shame
  • Grandiosity & narcissism
  • Social anxiety
  • Financial fear & shame
  • Food disorders
  • Addiction
  • Deep negativity
  • Self-criticism & perfectionism
  • High pain intolerance

You need something to be ashamed. You need nothing to live in purity.


Purity is part of our True Nature, and reconnecting with this arch quality will bring lifetime support in negotiating all those areas where we experience loss, trauma, fragmentation, anxiety, and senselessness. When we are shocked in our purity, we suffer shame, and where that shame is insufferable, we feel disgusted. By degrees, patterns involving the avoidance of shame and difficulties with disgust, begin to control our direction, limiting our freedom and confusing our sense of wellbeing. We shrink in fear, denying and forgetting our essence.

When we can experience these areas of suffering through the Purity of consciousness, resilience is born which deflates the confabulating effect of shame. In this, the purity of consciousness empowers us at the core, relativizing and deflating the discomfort of shame and disgust. Life simply becomes easier to handle.

A process of purification begins in which unconscious shame, deeply buried in the psyche, begins a momentum in which each element returns to itself in freedom. Through purity, we are liberated from the obligation to pretend.

Purification being highly infectious, purification of oneself necessarily leads to the purification of one’s surroundings.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Likewise, when feelings of disgust or repulsion are honored, the stress is lifted off the physiological layer of experience as the origin of the sense of aversion is uncovered and respected. This brings relief to the enteric nerve system (the brain in our gut) and supports us in finding optimal direction in real-time. Imagine the advantage of knowing, immediately, if it is something you ate that is triggering nausea, an old trauma, or perhaps a direct intuition of danger in the environment in the here and now! When we can experience pure shame, or pure disgust, a fearless wealth of pure experience unfolds before us.

Purity is a queen to rule all qualities. She is not weak or childish but rather shines with the powerful, unconditional intelligence from within all creation. Where there is compassion, she brings pure compassion. Where there is power, she shows pure power and the power of purity. Where there is pain, she liberates through the needles-eye of pure aliveness. To every moment she brings the remedy of the essence of that moment. Her wisdom is what makes us whole. Her spirit revives the sense of who we truly are. Her imprint guides the body in protection, healing, and celebration.

Out of the turmoil and error of our life the one precious flower of the spirit begins to unfold, the four-petaled flower of the immortal light, and even if our mortal consciousness should not be aware of its secret operation, it nevertheless does its secret work of purification.

carl Jung

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