Is the split of human identity into two strict categories of male and female natural? Or can these limitations be released through opening to the full spectrum of gender fluidity?
Is the split of human identity into two strict categories of male and female natural? Or can these limitations be released through opening to the full spectrum of gender fluidity?
Absolution: Devastation, Vindictiveness Alone: Isolation, Banishment Appreciation: Neglect, Waste Authenticity: Pretence, Delusion Authority: Conformity, Rebellion Awareness: Vibration, Silence Awe: Humiliation, Adoration Balance: Tension, Attention Beauty: Like, Dislike Being: Before, Behind Belonging: Acceptance, Rejection Bliss: Pleasure, Pain Body: Head, Heart Care:…
“The partner of boredom is addiction. Passion has no opposite. In passion, addiction and boredom are one.” False gold will only cut your feet and bind your wings, saying “I will remove your difficulties” when in fact it is only…
The true nature of healing “Be passionately dispassionate – that is all.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Who am I? What am I? Where am I? What am I here for? What is the point? What is the purpose of life? Why…
Extract from Nondual Therapy: The Psychology of Awakening, by Georgi Y. Johnson “It is the character that is doing it. There is a definite, inherited complexity. We are born into a pattern… We are a structure that is pre-established through…
“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” MARTIN LUTHER KING JR Hate is not the opposite of love. The partner of hate is sacrifice. In love, sacrifice and hate…
Walking on the beach, one foot after another, leaving footprints where we go, we can look back and grasp at the impressions our feet left in the sand. Impressions appear and disappear. The sand imprinted with our unique footprint in…
What is this miracle of being here as a human? Is this only a spiritual question, or is it also a psychological one? Isn’t our psyche (Greek origin, ‘Soul’) the direct manifestation and the field of experience for all things…
The partner of illegitimacy is injustice. Esteem has no opposite. In Esteem, injustice and illegitimacy are one. “I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” Hafiz Everything we…
The partner of despair is hope. Need has no opposite. In Need, hope and despair are one. “You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.” VERNON HOWARD The question “What is needed?”…