A premise of Nondual Therapy is that the individual is an experiential entity that uniquely manifests the universal whole: we are one, but we’re not the same. Because the individual is inseparable from the environment, there is an interplay between…
A premise of Nondual Therapy is that the individual is an experiential entity that uniquely manifests the universal whole: we are one, but we’re not the same. Because the individual is inseparable from the environment, there is an interplay between…
The partner of despair is hope. Need has no opposite. In Need, hope and despair are one. “You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.” VERNON HOWARD The question “What is needed?”…
Did you ever see a child hurt her knee, recover from the pain for an hour, and then on seeing her mother, scream again as if the pain was fresh? This isn’t just acting out. The pain is reawakened as…
True Nature shines with our deeper purpose, which is to shine. It shines through Nondual Qualities, many of which are described in the compendium of the upcoming book Nondual Therapy. These qualities are sensed where consciousness is free from identity,…
The partner of despair is hope. Need has no opposite. In need, hope and despair are one. Hope In some ways, to live in hope is to deny the intelligence of life. Although hope is prized as a virtue, it…
Between the inherited and conditioned structures of personality and the qualities of our essential Being, there is a rift of emptiness. This traumatic rift is sometimes referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul, or the Valley of the…
Southern trees bear a strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Abel Meeropol (1939) As in horror we watch the digital broadcast…
[This is an extract from Nondual Therapy: The Psychology of Awakening, a new book offering modalities for nondual therapy by Georgi Y. Johnson. The book introduces and explains the notion of physical, emotional and mental contraction based on energetic splits…
Scientists Have Observed Epigenetic Memories Being Passed Down for 14 Generations Recent scientific findings on the power of inherited trauma to influence and literally form the intimate structures of our personalities is emerging as a game-breaker in both therapy and…
Research on survivors of the Holocaust shows how catastrophic events can alter our body chemistry, and how these changes can transmit to the next generation. The result? Our children may suffer the effects of a traumatic event they never witnessed.…