THE SPOKE & THE WHEEL As long as we believe in survival more than life, the wheel turns. As long as we believe disgust makes us pure, the wheel turns.
THE SPOKE & THE WHEEL As long as we believe in survival more than life, the wheel turns. As long as we believe disgust makes us pure, the wheel turns.
WATER REFLECTING Beneath the skin, tissues sing ancestral fear, seizures of despair, skeletal leaves; long dead things, on rivers of blood, spit and care.
NEEDLE’S EYE When worlds gets small, give space. When persons fall, touch grace. Where hearts are broken, let light flood in. Where words aren’t spoken, let feeling sing.
Regardless of the language they were working in, some of the world’s greatest writers appear to be constructing fractals. Statistical analysis carried out at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, however, revealed something even more…
Meditation and prayer have been likened to a form of listening. Since there is no real silence, when quietly listening we hear the sounds of the environment, and the internal sounds of the breath, heart beat and electrical sounds. By…
“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.” Meister Eckhart From Aristotle on, we have been conditioned to believe…
OUT OF AN ORANGE SUN Sweetheart so plagiarized, how I watch from here, as your light networks matrix of love from everywhere. As by degrees, you get clothed in forsaken threads of Maya’s forbidden and ongoing strings of incoming outgoing…
KINGDOM OF GOLD In the kingdom of gold, the currency is old folded in notes of love, a blind exchange of fear and rage where head-stamped coins swap speech and groin, grasping through miasma of iconic gloom.
Formed by Trauma: The Power of the Repeated Message Georgi Y. Johnson and Bart ten Berge Sam, a seven year-old child is playing with his five brothers and sisters in the garden while his mother prepares food in the kitchen.…
GO SOFTLY Go softly that life will spare its force and if hard rain drops from loud, ancestral skies, be empty, that the great earth may drink the storm.