
The Illusion of Rejection – the Core of Spiritual Self Realization

“Rejection is the mother of all illusions” ~ Georgi


One of the greatest fears – moving beyond the fear of change – is the fear of rejection.

Change could be welcomed if we did not fear our division from the whole. This fear is a child of creation – as every act of creation involves division or a break from unity, and the reformation of a new unity. This is true on the cellular level and throughout all dimensions of perception.

The healing factor in the movement behind consciousness to the position of witness is that choice no longer become exclusive in an absolute sense: to choose a direction is not to eternally negate the other option.

On the level of awareness, the healing factor is found in the position of the observer: even though we might be in the midst of intense suffering, pain and cruelty, this too is seen, from behind and from within. I am in suffering, but the suffering does not define me.

On the level of existence, the healing factor emerges in the realization of unity and the indestructability of existence. Rejection is seen as an absurdity.

Yet, in on our way towards these three perceptive origins and in our movement into the unified space within that, the pain of rejection can emerge as if it were an inherent part of the human state. We are thrown out of Eden. We strive to return to a state which was prior to what we share now. Humanity seems to be, as it were, cursed by God.

Individual responsibility for thoughts, feelings and emotions is the deepest empowerment of form.

This latent, collective belief is an originating cause of the veiling of our windows of perception; it is behind much of our suffering, and of the blind cruelty we inflict on others.

On the positive side, the experience of being rejected or metaphorically crucified, can be of great service to a process in which all that we believed we needed to defend is released. Through surrendering to the cruelty of others, without resistance, the deeper magic emerges which is the miracle of who we truly are.

By degrees, our reactive reflexes to human conflict transform to compassion and authentic responsibility as we perceive this cruelty as a reflection of the state of suffering and pain which holds others in its grasp.

Rejection, like shame, is a hot potato. Individuals pass it on as rapidly as they can to the other, or to another tribe or group. There are very few people who have learned to contain its pain and to let the cycle of rejection resolve within their own field of experience. To do this is of tremendous service.

Prevalence of Love

There is as much love in the universe as any individual can physically or emotionally contain. When the doors of love open towards us, it is we who cry “stop” as the experience can be of complete dissolution. We ourselves put borders to this powerful love, dosing ourselves according to the measure of our fears, and trying to structure it with our minds by hooking it onto individuals or places. This is a process of evolution and manifestation in which humanity is developing as a physical channel of love. In its natural form, it is not rejection of the universe.

The universe has not rejected us from the elated spiritual, and it never rejects us. We need have no fight with the source of all life, or in essence, with whom we really are. This is the last frontier of peace.

The world of form, color and manifestation is happening at core as a result of vibration. I am a vibration. Each manifesting entity and each atom is a pattern of vibration.

In this life-time, you are a song – a song sung by your existence, which is existence itself. A singer is not rejecting the song. It is a highly unique articulation. As each rhythm passes and each melody moves to the next, it is gone. The true mystery and beauty of the song can only be truly received through surrender in the here and now. When we surrender to music through the levels of perception, it is as if we are the instruments which are being played by the vibration. There is no rejection in this. No individual can ever reject another, they can only try and destroy the form, operating from a position of agonized illusion.

Rejection is the mother of all illusions.



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The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
