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The Way of Authority – Authoring the Way to Freedom

Who is the author of all you are? Who gets to say what was and what wasn’t, and what we feel about it?

Who will determine the truth of what all this lifetime and lifespace is to you? Why is the pain around authority one of the critical areas where the expansion of our awareness, and ultimately our freedom, becomes limited?


Author > (Consciousness) > Author

Authority > (Awareness) > Authority

Authenticity > (Perception through emptiness) > Authenticity

Who is the author of who we are? The realization of this inner author – the one that secretly composes the stories out of the raw matter of destiny and evolves them into three dimensional movie scripts – this realization is one of the key movements in spiritual maturity.

No author believes his novel to be an absolute truth, even when it is an autobiography. 

In the context of the three windows of perception opened through the I AM HERE teachings. The author, when realized, is that which through the window of creative consciousness actively chooses where to invest perception, pouring the omnipotence of existence into a “reality”. If this reality is seen as “absolute truth” it can rapidly become a prison.

Let’s explain this with an example. Let’s say we have a trauma around dogs, which means they terrify us, which means we seek a world without dogs. Our consciousness needs to exclude the threat of doggies. This need to exclude means that we also need to see every dog – because if we don’t see it first, it could burst through our screen of what is allowed to exist in a sudden reality crisis. So we begin to see dogs everywhere. Not only dogs, but signs of dogs – dog shit, dogfood adverts, dog hair. That which we are trying to exclude from our composition of reality is creating a Hitchcock film in the background – which at some stage will be projected (even enacted) regardless of our fear.

When the liberated author is free to work without a belief in the absolute truth of the story, dogs can also exist. A few of them here and there, together with cats, rats, mosquitos, cream buns and a trillion other features of reality. Some dogs are even friendly.  Investment is withdrawn. The magnificent everything gives rise to the pure freedom to choose, and change perspective.

On the level of awareness, we are not talking about the author, but about authority itself. Here, there can severe energetic blockages connected to where we have been wounded through rejection by the perceived “other” dictating our feelings. For example. Granddad (who used to hit you regularly) suddenly dies. The whole family says that you should be sad. In fact, it is decided that you are sad. If you are not sad about the death of Daddy of Daddy, you are not part of the whole. Mummy gets angry because you made a joke. Something inside the heart freezes as your actual feeling vibration is being disallowed. You are so relieved that Granddad is dead. Dead, dead, dead. You are not sorry. But these feelings are not allowed to exist.

The energetic blockages around authority (concentrated in the dip of the collar bone and at the point of the chin) can be devastating, obstructing manifestation and leading to all kind of strange, artificial voices, as we try and ‘pretend’ ourselves into a place in this world. For non-dualists – it is precisely this kind of authority agony that can lead them to liberation into the space of “Nothing” “No-One”, “Nobody here,”

Some make it all the way back into form through loving attendance towards the energy frozen through authority issues. Others whiplash into ego structure – finally becoming the authority – the authority on the “Nothing”. Rapidly they start to Satsang others and to attack and degrade honest dialogue – especially when it involves an authority. It is a crazy loop with an agenda to avoid the pain frozen energetically in awareness around rejection.

On the level of perception through emptiness – the level of perception through which we begin to liberate the core karmic wounds manifesting through this incarnation into the physical – the authority thread manifests as AUTHENTICITY.

Authenticity can be felt, smelt, and unconsciously recognized. It is the all powerful truth of the one that pretends nothing beyond what is here at any given space and time. It is for real. It doesn’t need to defend. It doesn’t need to fixate or maintain any position. It vibrates with living honesty and vitality. It can be trusted to the core, through all dimensions.

Authenticity, rising as authority and taking the identity of author is the means through which we give temporary form to what is happening here and now. It is the means through which we take responsibility for our universe in guiding its evolution, through all the layers. It is a fundamental part of our service of being here. As such, it is a birth-right which is both an individual and a shared process.

There is a transpersonal negotiation that takes place, which is at its best rooted in our present authenticity. We can be subordinate to an authority, and follow its lead. We choose to subordinate ourselves to the social authorities – our teachers, our doctors, the police, the courts, the taxes, to name a few. Yet this subordination is never absolute, it is temporary and bordered, arising out of a choice to delegate authority based on our inherent interdependency. And when this subordination extends to the judgment of the loudest neighborhood critic, we could get a red flag of rage. 🙂

WE are the one that allows this temporary delegation of authority. We are the always the meta-authority. No power structure can define us. And at any time, we can reclaim the authority to align with our inner authenticity.

It doesn’t matter if you are a girl or a boy, young or very old, a respected politician or a freak, a guardian of sanity or one labelled with mental disorder, NO-ONE has the right or long-term ability to mess with your inner authenticity. The only one who can commit that crime is you – in a myriad forms of self abuse. Even then, authenticity will call you home, sooner or later.

As the source of our thoughts, we are free to change our minds. As the source of our feelings, we are free to feel what we feel. As the source of our truth, we are free to forever alter our direction to stay in alignment with That.

What is the source of authenticity? Freedom. An all-powerful freedom that is allowed to manifest through all we are – a freedom that has no beginning and no end, which can never be damaged or taken away, which is always here, in every second, every happening, every prison, every state of being and in every moment of perception.

Let it go (thoughts), Let it be (your true feelings), Be for real (loyal to what is here, moment by moment).

Happy to be able to tell you what’s what and what’s not. 🙂

With love, respect and appreciation,


“The opposite of authority is subordination. Omnipotence has no opposite.” ~ Georgi


 I AM HERE – Opening the Windows of Life & Beauty can now be ordered on Amazon and other online book retailers.


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About Author

The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
