Past Events

Death & Transformation April 24-26 2015, Israel

“In the contemplation on death, the preciousness of life emerges. In allowing that which passes into the flow, we become increasingly safe in the eternal.”

Death & Transformation

April 24, 25, 26, Zichron Yaakov, Israel

with Bart ten Berge & Georgi Y. Johnson

“Don’t miss me. Breathe. I am in the wind.
Don’t long for me. Drink, for I am the water.
Don’t speak for me. Listen! I sing in the silence.”

Within the conditioning of linear time (past, present, future), we postulate our death always as a “future” event. In this we solidify that which we “are” as if it is stable, and we live in subconscious fear of the end of this “thing” that we believe ourselves to be.

On inquiry, this person, through all its layers, is constantly in transformation, just as this body is in constant transformation.

The more we are able to allow the depths of who we are, through the windows of perception, the more we find a stability in That through which all transformation occurs. In this, we are able to liberate our direction from the sign posts of fear and threat, and expand into the joy of living through wholeness with what ‘is”, moment by moment.

The allowance of transformation, is integral to our freedom, just as much as the restraints we attempt to put on transformation generate states of fear, projection and illusion.

Our inner growth, expansion and manifestation depends on our willingness to release old forms, beliefs, self-images and structures. In this, the fear of death can prevent us from allowing the ‘death’ of old forms within ourselves which no longer serve our highest purpose. Yet the willingness to release those “old” structures of personalities will always depend on our consolidation in a space beyond all that transforms through processes of creation. This space is available in every second, to all of us.

Day 1
The ONE that contemplates all that changes. An inquiry into memory and imagination.

Day 2
Resting behind Being. An inquiry into the softness of surrender, and what is surrendering to what.

Day 3
Falling back into THAT which is at the core, behind even perception itself.

The contemplation on our physical death is a master key in coming to life, in its fullness and unconditional purity. This course is designed to transform the pain of letting go into the joy of freedom and transformation.

This is an advanced seminar/satsang that is also open to the wider public.

To Register, contact: or SMS 972 524297196


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The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
