Past Events

Sentient Sourcing – Healing Inherited Trauma. London April 8, 2017


Sentient Sourcing – Healing Inherited Trauma

With Spiritual Psychotherapists Bart ten Berge and Georgi Y. Johnson

London Art Therapy Center, Kings Cross, London

Saturday April 8, 2017

9:30 am – 6:30 pm

That sudden depression, this irrational anxiety, a pervading dread of betrayal or abandonment, a sense of unconditional guilt, that has been there for as long as you can remember. Repeating, uncaused sentences in the back chambers of our thoughts – “they’ll lock me up”, “I don’t belong here”, “I want to kill myself”.

“Our ancestors are still alive in every cell of our body. They are not dead.”
Thích Nhat Hạnh

A premise of Nondual Therapy is that the barrier between our ‘private’ thoughts, feelings and states, and the collective, is far more porous than we have been taught to believe. The energy of the thoughts and feelings that form us is embedded all the way down to the cellular level of our bodies, and it effects our experience of freedom, love and peace in our lives, with a potential to distort our perception, direction and ability to express into the world.

This one day intensive workshop is designed to offer the tools of sentient sourcing. Deepening and expanding layers of mindfulness towards both thoughts and feelings – how it feels to be ‘you’. Working with sentient sourcing, Bart and Georgi will offer exercises to experience and identify core states of stress and survival that could have been inherited through the traumas and/or lived experience of our ancestors. As these feelings become sourced, they become conscious and the opportunity emerges to release subtle layers of identification with states of suffering. The effect is liberating, often with the reward of hidden qualities that have been repressed and that are released through the process of nondual realization.

Bart ten Berge and Georgi Y. Johnson are part of the International School of Spiritual Psychology (ISSP) based in the Netherlands. In conjunction with the movement’s vision of bridging allopathic and alternative wisdom through energy healing and inner growth, they are pioneering the field of Nondual Therapy – a paradigm shift in care for the individual as an inextricable part of the whole. For a list of background resources, see below.

A number of slots for private sessions with Georgi and/or Bart are available at the Center at discounted rates for participants on the evenings of Friday 7th and Saturday 8th April. To book a session, contact


latc-transp_155-fw_London Art Therapy Centre, Kings Cross, London

Pioneer House, 46 Britannia St., London WC1X 9JH

Tel: 020 34899192


110 BP 

90 BP – Students, low income & participants of i-Exist 2017 Retreat in Glastonbury*


*a number of scholarships are available, please apply to



Resources and Background Reading

It didn’t start with you, Mark Wolynn (Book)

The Breadcrumb Trail of Inherited Family Trauma

The Parents we Never Knew: Adoption & Family Trauma

Set my People Free: Nonduality and the Epigenetics of Trauma

An Introduction to Nondual Therapy

Nondual Therapy Playlist on YouTube



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