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The art and science of trilogy in spiritual self-realization – refinement of perception

“Throw a pebble anywhere, in any dimension, and you will uncover a trilogy of three.” ~ Georgi

The art of the trilogy is so ubiquitous to evolution, life, science, mathematics, psychology, medicine, language and thought that it is hard to know where to begin when the need for a trilogy in the teaching of perception and self-realization is questioned.

The trilogy is a map of the three dimensional universe. As such, it is of tremendous service for humanity – which is more often than not – caught in two dimensional thought and experience. Let’s try and explain this better.

To be human.

To be human.

The two dimensional universe is caught in polarity. It cycles (at best) in an endless figure of eight between subject and object. Mental, emotional and physical identification begins with one side of the polarity – in which the “opposite” side of the pole is “other”. This is the birth of relationship between the supposed “me” and the supposed “you”.

Right now, there is the author (of the post) which looks like “me”. There is the reader, which looks like “you”. At the junction of the two – is this post. Words strung together in a form through which meaning is totally amorphous, changing, evolving. In the world of deconstruction – they would call this the polarity between the “sign” (the word), the “signified” (that which the word points to), and the “meaning” (which deconstruction exposes as inherently empty.

OK – that’s intellectual. Let’s say it in a way that is easily familiar. The 2D dimension works through the logic of “kill or be killed”. It’s Me or You. It’s Either-Or. You win, I lose. If I’m right, then you’re wrong. If I’m a loonatic, then you are sane if you see that. This logic is at the source of war, starvation, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, selfishness, greed and endless misery and suffering. Yet in the short term, it can bring us a temporary feeling of being a winner, a success, or (dare I say it) an authority.

images (4)The present global shift in awakening is greatly a result of the realization of this two dimensional universe as non-absolute. The logic of “kill or be killed” will always lead – when we go all the way – to the shift to the third dimension. If we follow this logic, then the process of killing increasingly spirals to the core of the individual universe and to its source – the core of the inner fight. This is why the most startling pioneers of this logic – for example Adolf Hitler – espouse a psychopathy which in the ends means that they must kill themselves. The kill or be killed logic takes place in the bone, flesh and material reality of their own human mind and form. In this, the polarity collapses. In suicide, we are both the killer and the killed. They become one.

10478359_10152238880303907_3847532573345107519_nSo what does this have to do with the three windows of perception, Consciousness, Awareness, Emptiness?

All of these contemplations on the screen, and the screen itself, and the space in which you are sitting, and the space outside, and the sounds in the room and the sounds in your head. All of this is perception. There is nothing that you see, feel, sense, or conceive which is not perception, and as such which is not part of the universe of you.

All you perceive is also what you are.

As such, perception (consciousness, awareness and perception through emptiness) also is the window between dimensions – a window that opens both ways so you at once can see and be seen.

Perception is that which allows us to evolve from the two dimension realm of suffering into the three dimensional and on into the multi dimensional.

Within the classic and recognizable trilogy of Mind, Heart and Body. We contemplate our “selves”. The mind perceives the heart (the dimension of awareness and feeling) and surrenders to the heart’s music. The heart’s music is received in the mind (consciousness). None of this is absolute as the perceptive movement and opening itself is allowed through emptiness. It is always a trilogy – spiralling into the individual liberation of pure unity.

Again and again in workshops, we say that “any window is good”. Each window brings light into the house. Each window allows a circulation of existence through dimensions. Each window opened debunks the principle that there is a definitive barrier between the inner and outer worlds, or between ourselves and all that which we still believe to be outside of ourselves.

images (3)I would take it even further. Any moment is good. Any particle of pain, of affliction is good. Any micro-second of non-experience is good. Each atom of being humanly here now contains the great trilogy of perception that leads to self-realization. For this we have to allow the miracle. To let go (of identification), to let it be (the feelings that birthed the identification), and to be for real (no form, thought or feeling is absolute or greater than the source of the phenomena which is you).

We don’t ask anyone to break open all three windows of perception at once (consciousness, awareness, emptiness). This would be silly, because actually, every moment of perception intrinsically engenders all three. As such, each moment of perception is a unique form – even in its happening. It is a unique form and the spring board to the expansion of the individual universe into the unknown – that which is as yet unrevealed and is beyond even perception itself.

 I AM HERE – Opening the Windows of Life & Beauty can now be ordered on Amazon and other online book retailers.

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The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
