Nondual Medicine

The Dawn of Disease #Nonduality

As an event taking place at the birth of time, creation is a rupture. At the same time as there is perception through divinity and all the qualities of True Nature, there is also perception through division, agony, loss, longing, and all the emotions of suffering. The split of the one into two has a bright light of existential shock and pain. This first shock of light is partly an initiation of pain. The dawn of time is also the dawn of the suffering, or passion, of creation.

In the immediate aftermath of pain, there is something bitter added to the sweetness of True Nature. This is an uncomfortable feeling of wrongness. There is an agony in the universal innocence and a sense of doom. Out of this wrongness, we long for that seamless unity and realize that it’s absolute dominion over experience has been lost.

We begin to seek reunion by resisting all that feels wrong and pursuing all that feels whole. Yet the forms appearing through the lenses of wrongness, agony, and division, are loud and compelling. Appearing within the existential shock of creation, they obscure the freedom behind the fear; the love behind the grief; and the silence behind the noise.

When the appearance of otherness is associated with wrongness and pain, the other becomes tagged as a stranger and a danger. In the apprehension of pain, fear is born, and we decide that the other is the threat. This other is no longer seen as an expression of ourselves, but as an entirely separate form with separate origins.

From unity, divinity, harmony, and peace, our consciousness is now hijacked by division, discord, dissonance, and conflict. The expansive, excitement of life is now contracting into the fear of being alive. We begin to forget who we are.

In the agenda to avoid suffering, consciousness splits from itself and a new, dreadful dimension is born – one filled with a menacing sense of fear and threat. These contracting energies are superficial, reductive, hypnotic, dissociative, divisive and addictive.

This time-based dread takes the pain of the past and projects it onto the future, accumulating fear. It enslaves the mind to beliefs that claim authority over experience and even over the consciousness that gives those beliefs life.

Based on past pain and the agenda to avoid it in the present or future, these beliefs bring living nourishment to collective pools of suffering. Generated by the desire to get free of suffering, these beliefs transmit suffering, for suffering is their power supply. They are born of suffering; they seek out suffering; they end in suffering.

By despairing at our despair, we increase the energy of despair. In feeling wrong to feel wrong, we replenish the wrongness. Pulling back from the pain of separation, we increase the energy of absence in the space between us.

We hide our sentience in the world of things, nested within a cityscape of thoughts, and as we shuffle our well-clad, insouciant bodies through the consumer liturgy of lack, we wonder why we feel so lost and alone.

And it becomes a pandemic of the psyche. Attempting to get rid of murder, we murder the murderers. In a war against hatred, we hate the haters. Concerned with evil, we demonize the evildoers. We fight to get peace; struggle to relax; despair in our care; agitate against disease; dread our fear. We neglect the sense of abandonment; betray the forsaken; revile our shame; condemn our guilt.

In our agenda to be good and not bad, to get the pleasure and not the pain, to be glad and not sad, to be sterile and not virile, we replenish the pools of suffering. Now, we are not only projecting a moment of pain from the past onto the future but a timeless ocean of horror.

Perceiving through suffering, we pave the way to suffering. Life is at war with life; consciousness is shocked by consciousness; love is contemptuous of love, and the soul at peace is associated with death.

Even the sense of infinite possibility in the future begins to wilt. By degrees, the senses begin to shut down, narrowing the field of vision, numbing the sense of touch, muting sound and blanketing the felt sense of being alive. Something is going on, but often, we hardly feel part of it. Brain networks fixate in default routes and a fog of senselessness and confusion clouds the mind. Lacking sensory input, the heart checks out, and the unexplained, closed doors mean that visitors dwindle.

Wherever there is pain, there is otherness. Fallible through waves of pain, the body is now perceived as other. A battle for control between head, body, and heart ensues and the casualty is wellbeing.

Obscuring our consciousness of ease, there is now a prevalence of dis-ease.

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About Author

The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
