
“When suffering is allowed and lived as a service to the whole, there is the birth of passion and a resurrection into the world of form.”

Just because we do not have a separate self, and all we experience, feel or do is transient, it doesn’t mean life is senseless. It is precisely out of the emptiness that the deepest sense of purpose for an individual human being is born.

Passion, as a root word, also means suffering. And within the refined field of emptiness, the two are the same. Christians could take the Passion of Christ as an example of this. When suffering is allowed and lived as a service to the whole, there is the birth of passion and a resurrection into the world of form.

This can be connected with destiny, karma and individual qualities. But as an example, if we have suffered abandonment and abuse, then a passion is also born within the realization of the suffering. This passion is in the first place to be there also for others. This is the opening of empathy.

As we rise into form to the heart dimension of awareness, the quality of empathy manifests as compassion. Compassion involves the recognition of inter-being – we are together in this suffering or passion with others. Our well-being is interdependent. We dedicate our hearts and energies to service in this field. As it rises to the level of consciousness, wisdom emerges, at a depth which supports understanding of the whole field and the means to give form and structure the service.

Extract from I AM HERE – Opening the windows of life & beauty, by Georgi Y. Johnson

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The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
