
To be AND not to be – a sacred circulation

You seek freedom. You seek liberation. From what? Can true freedom ever depend on the rejection of any aspect of who you are?


Humanity is in transit. With an exponentially expanding population of 7 billion, we are racing exponentially through time. Look at our lives a few decades ago. Look at them now. We are living in our own science fiction script and have hardly a chance to catch up with ourselves. We are burning up our natural resources, that which powers our exponential progress, also at an exponential rate. We are being born and dying like flies. Clifford-torus

Yet, the faster we move, the more aware we become that we are still. The more rapid the change, the more we welcome the silent, infinite emergence of that which never changes. The more we reach outside of ourselves for love, peace, or just for stuff, the more we find ourselves thrown back into our inner core.

Our time is not a straight line, it is a revolution of happenings and experience. Just as the universe itself is expanding exponentially, affected by what physicists have called “”dark matter” at its core, so is humanity expanding.

Moment after moment of experience and manifestation is recorded in the memory of the whole. And just as this awesome collective database of infinite variety expands, so its access is opened to the individual. And just as the humanity expands, the individual is expanding.

Spirituality Now

From Portugal to Vancouver, from Brighton to Amsterdam, spiritual teachers are emerging who found ways to express the old-new wisdom in ways that promise liberation. Between the mystical traditions of the East – where the sense of individuality hardly surfaces before it is surrendered in trust to the guru – and the creator god basis of the West, a new kind of human wisdom is emerging. To the Western spiritual seeker, this is presently polarized between two movements:

1. Liberate yourself from this world – see through it’s illusion, burn your ego, and become one with the divine.

2. Discover your precious individuality and the secret laws of attraction and make something of yourself.

The former tends to be highly prized, while the latter gets second prize as the means through which individuals find their way back into human life post-enlightenment.

Between the absolute Nobody of liberation unveiled by the so-called Satsangs, and the absolute Somebody promised through journeys down the rabbit hole, falls the shadow. The shadow is a deep layer of illusion about the nature of illusion itself.

This illusion is the mother of all illusions – Rejection

As long as we believe in private liberation, we are invested in our separation from the whole.

The moment we allow the unity of all we are and all we will ever perceive, each manifesting particle of life becomes an equal service to the miracle of the whole. Within this, we become masters of form and transformation – masters not in terms of action but in terms of allowance. Within this, a passion is born for every form.

It is how it is Surrender

Bring here a man who claims he is free, enlightened and no longer bothered by the affairs of this world, and I will show you a man who is about to explode in manifestation in this world in whatever way he can.

He will not rest. He will use every weapon available, ego, media, mass publicity, his mother. He will do whatever it takes to manifest his passion, a passion born of the pure empathy found in every moment of liberation. He will dedicate his life to others.

Heaven - earth - heaven. Existential vertical circulation.

Heaven – earth – heaven. Existential vertical circulation.

Suddenly, this “pain body”, this world of illusion, begins to matter.

With the expansion of perception, and the lifting of the veils over universal peace, love and unity found as endless resources behind the windows of perception, humanity (with all its suffering) does not get left behind.

With the evaporation of the nobody, 7 billion somebodies come forwards within the nobody universe – somebodies that suffer, that will only hear the voice of another somebody.

Just as in silence, we truly begin to hear (silence uses the same letters as listen), so in freedom, we truly begin to care.

With the opening of the heart, and the abundant flow of love between existence and itself, love meets all those rocky spaces of division, where love is frozen, where children are thrown to the streets and have no way home.

Would love then stop and return to its own origin? Could love reject?

No spiritual method can exclusively move in one direction, from the world of illusion to the absolute source. It always was and will always be a circulation, the circulation of creation.

Every movement of transcendence from the world evokes a reincarnation into the world of form.

In this, every form is precious, every illusion manifesting from valley to mountaintop is an expression of the whole. Nothing gets left out. Each moment of manifestation is transient and eternal at the same time, down to the last, inconceivable particle.

The individual method of finding form in this world becomes guided by a higher intelligence and a love so all encompassing that no human form could hold it.


To find one self, you must first lose yourself.

Yet be sure of this: having lost yourself, you will then find it – in a wider, more attuned, human form with an even greater human responsibility. You will know it as transient and illusory, but it will emerge to serve you and others.

TransformationThere is no private happiness; no individual salvation; no special attainment of bliss.

All of this is part of the whole – of service to the circulation of form between absolute source and every nano particle of matter, and back again.

This is the dance of passion, ecstasy and bliss in which we are moving as one.

I AM HERE is the dance of the individual. It is also the dance of the whole, and as such, existence itself declares to the outer precincts: I AM HERE – in the mud, in the rivers, in the trees, in every expression of life in every dimension.

It is time for the journey to begin.

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The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
