Past Events

What to expect at i-exist England with Georgi & Bart, April 2016

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i-Exist 2016 will include out-of-hours private entry and meditation within the heart of the sacred stone circle of Stone Henge.

i-exist is no regular retreat, often cutting a life-time shift in perception – in consciousness, awareness and above all in the integration between the spiritual aspects of our being and the physical.

hildegardWe chose Neolithic England as the back-drop to these annual events, as certain places in time-space, such s Glastonbury Tor, Stonehenge and Avebury, represent a global legacy of timelessness.

They have a power that shifts us to a continuum beyond history and have the potential to open channels to the non-physical dimensions that stay open – resources to draw on for a life time.

For us, Stonehenge is like Jerusalem’s Old City: it is one of those places that each one of us should strive to visit at least once.

And yet, (at least for us), each time we return to these places there is a deepening of the channel. Each time, the visit has that timeless quality, as if we never left. It is a deep joy to share this channel with others.

The Assembly Halls (Someone else's healing event) :-)

The Assembly Halls (Someone else’s healing event) 🙂

i-exist combines walking, visiting and meditating in special places, with indoor group meetings of inquiry, deepening, and relaxation into the inner source.

For the first two days, we are congregating in the ancient Assembly Halls of Glastonbury. Built according to the golden mean, the halls are in the center of town and are generally used for community events. This combination of antiquity, centrality to the town with the synergy of our group (from four different countries so far) will be an adventure and learning experience for us all. As usual, we like the bustle of the high-street outside within the general ideology of integration – bringing our spirituality to life and our life to spirituality.

At the weekend we take to the road. On Saturday, we will visit Wells and return to our special chamber within the amazing Wells Cathedral for a flash mob meditation. Flash mob means that we sit at some distance around the huge chamber and meditate. It has a powerful impact both on unwitting tourists and tour guides, as well as on our cultivation of our natural right to center in deep peace and source, regardless of social masks. It tends to be a beautiful experience.


The chamber within Wells Cathedral

After lunch, we will move to Wookey Hole. We have a feeling that this area is the zone of Merlin (the feeling is what matters!) The incredible gorge and nature around Wookey Hole reaches over the extensive network of caves and natural pools underneath (the hills are vastly empty). The energy is so strong, the air can be experienced as almost liquid. There is an incredible potency in this site, where there is such a confluence of the elements.

On the Sunday, we follow the lay lines further away, visiting Stone Henge (this year we are trying to get a private viewing inside the Stone circle) and then on to the processional walk towards the great stone circles of Avebury. Avebury has a relatively inexpensive English pub where we can also sample (for better or worse) the joys of English food. 😀

The last two days, we return to Glastonbury and to a very special venue: we have the meeting room within the Chalice Well Gardens. Here, we have access to the magical wells and to the indoor space, a very special energy offering a magical, natural space to move as a group as we need.

The While Wells beneath Glastonbury Tor

The While Wells beneath Glastonbury Tor

Between it all, we will be looking out for our chance to visit the White Wells across the street. The local Druids tend to open it spontaneously. Inside the rock of the Tor, running water, darkness, candles and pools open a depth of silence and ‘goddess’ energy that can be confronting, purifying and always healing. It is one of those sacred places where just being there for some minutes can have a tremendous healing impact.

Of course, there will be some morning walks and we will climb the Tor in order to meditate with the spectacular view and the wind.

There will be laughter, togetherness, a sense of time lasting forever and not passing at all, and a refreshing new perspective on old habits within a new perception of time and space.

To find out more (FAQ) and register, visit the event page.


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