Nondual Therapy / Nondual Therapy Q&A Practitioners / Trauma

How do energetic contractions work with trauma?

I am a trauma therapist and earlier you said that once you have cleared the trauma you go back and clean up some of the residual contractions. Wondering what that would look like in practice?

Georgi: A cleared trauma looks like resilience – there is an alive and responsive ability to move in and out of the traumatic memory/field.

Work with residual contractions often involves life throwing the same thing back at us in Karmic forms in a series of reminders and realizations. (“NOW do you think you’re healed?”) This goes on until we no longer want to “get rid” of the trauma but rather begin to honor it as an evolutionary experience within the whole.

For example, the charge might have been released in the safety of therapy, but can you give a TED talk about it? Or what happens if a similar thing is threatened to someone external who is young and defenseless? Do we freeze?

A classic with trauma work in terms of unfinished business is the empathic role we have with the perpetrator. The perpetrator defines the experience, and the experience cannot be truly at peace when there is a self-awareness around being or becoming a perpetrator. This is often in the blindspot of conventional trauma healing and can leave residue contractions of guilt, shame, abuse – and a complicated relationship with power & manifestation.

Trauma always involves the blocking of access to a Nondual Quality. The quality or blend of qualities are energetically alive at the junction where the shock or trauma split the psyche (for example, the qualities of peace, trust, relaxation, and of course naturalness. In our fear of repetition, we unconsciously blame the quality for the shock and horror – as if it provoked it. The quality becomes prohibitive – (eg. “She is too pure for this world”, or “Don’t be too innocent!”) In this, the quality begins to be perceived as dangerous. There is more written about this here.

In the residue of trauma, a process will continue from a soul level in which the same quality becomes increasingly free to manifest here as integral to the bottom-up, top-down, embodied experience of being alive. When the quality is allowed to unconditionally come to life, then we have moved from healing trauma, into the deeper purpose and fulfillment of soul manifestation. Each step of this journey energetically brings its reward, as in its precise formation, is is a core of our life mission.

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The passion to serve the 'other' in the relief of suffering through processes of awakening is born out of the simple truth that it makes me feel better. Your welfare is my welfare. We never were divided. The love we share is the love we experience. So it is with peace.
